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                                                 EMAIL MANORFARMEXPERIENCES0@GMAIL.COM
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                                  FOR AVAILABILITY

Farm Tour
1 hour is £45 for up to 4 people
A guided tour of  Manor Farm led  by a senior member of staff. 
We can visit as many animals as time allows or you can spend time treating and petting your favourites. 
This experience includes the farm animals, ponies, the small animals and the reptile and hedgehog room 

Farmer Experience
1 hour is £45 for up to 4 people
This is best booked at the beginning or end of the day around feed time, usually around 9 am and 5 pm. Led by a senior member of staff, all the animals are fed and readied for the day or nights. 
Alpacas, pigs,sheep, goats, rabbits and the reptile room all need waking all need food, hay and water for the day. Learn how to care for our animals and what we have to do for them on a daily basis. 


The Goat Experience
£40 for 1 hour for up to 4 people
Come and spend time with our wacky herd of goats.
9 Pygmy goats, 2 Golden Guernsey's, a Nubian and 5  new goats who are a mix. All friendly and love to eat out your hand, be fussed and sit on your knee. Well jump all over your knee. They love to crunch on raw pasta as a treat, but you need to be brave when this treat comes out as they will swarm around you until it has all gone.


The Reptile and hedgehog Experience
£50 for 1 hour - up to 4 people.
Come and meet our ever expanding reptile and hedgehog collection, all now in our newly built and heated reptile room.
We have chameleons, bearded dragons, snakes, tortoises and more. Spike the hedgehog has just 2  new lady hedgehogs, so we are hoping for hoglets later in the year. 

The Shetland Pony Experience
1 hour for 2 ponies and up to 4 people £55
Come and meet our 2 miniature Shetland ponies Finn & Ferb. Loving, cheeky and clever, true to the nature of the breed.
You can groom them, plait them, and even put in a bit of hair chalk if you please. They love attention and fuss and are always pleased when its experience time.  When we are done there will treats for them and then its off for a walk around our 20 acres of fields, where we will be sure to meet other animals along the way


school farm visits
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